Monday, February 21, 2022

                                                            Sundays Are My Fun Days!

I love when there is less traffic and always more parking spaces, but the most fun I have when going to California Styles Curly Studio P.M.A. is getting the opportunity to invite all my curlies and potential curlies, into my Private Membership Association, where we can all let our hair down and "let*them curls do their own thing!" 

After getting all of my recent educational degrees in Psychology, Sociology, Humanities and Art, I'm preparing to make an educational, informational and entertaining Curly Care Instruction Manual(c) with pictures of all my favorite clients new and old, opening the understanding for all potential new curlies, who don't even know they are curlies yet! How 'bout *dat?

Here is an excerpt from the Curly Care Instruction Manual (c)

 I love when I have a "veteran curly" and a "newbie curly" in the studio within earshot and all of the same questions come up that the veteran starts to answer. Here is how it sounds as I chuckle to myself...

Newbie- "So, I just bought this expensive new shampoo last week and it lathers so luxuriously."

Veteran- "Sounds like it has detergent. (eyes look at me,...) Jessica said detergent based shampoos dry out the hair and that detergent is made for cleaning glass and metal."

Then I like to ask the newbie, "Are you made of glass and metal?" chuckling..of course...ha ha ..

This newbie has scoured Youtube and knows all of the gadgets and gizmos, and lets us know her hair routine and how she is using "a microfiber towel" (my eyes get big) and I ask her, "Doesn't it further dry out your hair and suck out all the water, creating a velcro affect?" 

Then I proceed to give her my visualization of this..

"Picture an old man, emaciated, coming out of the desert gasping and needing water, as he is about to die of thirst. That is kind of like our dead hair on the outside of our scalp. You know, that now frizzy or sometimes even straight by now hair, that used to be bouncy, shiny, curly or wavy, but you'd think that we just got chemtrails sprayed in our skies making the winds so fierce, because of the look of dehydration our poor hair is in! 

So we give the old man a gallon of water to drink and he drinks it all". (And this I'm doing while my client is at the water basin having her hair washed.) Then I say, "so we hand him a microfiber towel for him to put down his throat in order to absorb all the water that he just drank!! Does that make sense to do? Do we do that with our poor water starved, emaciated hair? Let's see if your hair wants to hold onto all the "love" that this water is giving it."

(After applying and squishing in a hydrating product to seal the water in her hair), I invite the client to let me further show her "let's investigate and do a science experiment with your hair so we can see what it does." 

(Then I proceed to place a dry towel on the floor, not on her hair, while she is sitting down I instruct her to flip her head forward to make the towel on the floor, the bulls-eye target). I ask,"Did you notice that... I did not use any towel on your hair and your hair has a lot of water in it because you can hear it when I squish it, but it is not wanting to let go of any water as it is not dripping on the towel on the floor?" She gasps and says, "Yes! I see that!" I ask her, "Why do you think that is?" No answer. I go on to explain, "It's because of the sealing of the cuticle layer with the hydrating product that becomes like a thin skin and supports the cuticle layer by slamming it shut so that the water stays in the hair." 

Then I tell them my little mantra, "Let your HAIR be the towel." I then place my original, hand cut Comfort Towels (TM) on their shoulders for another scientific experiment and ask my newbies to "flip your hair back like Disney's, The Little Mermaid"(TM) when she is coming out of the water and flipping her hair back out of the ocean". This is the part that most of my newbies hesitate and are often afraid that they will spray water on me, but nope! It never happens. That hair loves to hold onto that wonderful life giving water and no accidental water showers ever happen to the walls either.

This is just a sample of my edutainment manual that I hope to be working on this Spring 2022. Be on the look out and if you become one of my clients I'd love to be able to showcase my work of your beautiful before and afters in my book. Let me know! Give me a call!

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